When computer invented:- 

PC full form = presonal computer

Computer is an electronic device which is developed by “charles babbage ”

Nearby 19th century.(1822 in)

  • computer are integral part of our everyday existence.

  • literal meaning of computer is a device that can calculate

  •  It take input & data from the input devices, stores and processed it and produces output.  What is computer? Full explaination ..

    • morden computers can do a lot more then calculate.

    • computer is an electronic device that receives input, stores or processes the input as pr user instrucation and provides output in desired. 


    Components of computer: parts of computer


    computer of part


    The basic parts of computer are:-

    1. Input unit: Devices used to input data and indtrucations 

    2. Output: Devices used to provide information to the user in desired format 

    3. Control unit: All devices or parts of computer interact through the control unit.

    4. Arithmetic logic unit: All arithmetic operations and logical operations take place.

    5.  Control unit, arithmetic logic and memory are together called the central processing unit or CPU.

    6. Computer devices that we can see and touch are the hardwore components of a computer. 

    7. set of instructions or programs that make the computer function using these hardware parts are called software.

    8. Memory: All input data, instructions and data interim to the processes are stored in the memory. memory is of two types 

    • Primary memory

    • secondary

    • Characterstics of Computer:  

    1. Speed 

    2. Accuracy

    3. Storage

    4. Quick decition

    5. Repeated capability

    Computer Full form :-

    • computer :  commonly operating machine purposely used for technologies & educational research

    • CPU : Central processing unit

    • RAM : Random access memory

    • ROM : Read only memory

    Simplest workflow of computer:-

    • Computerinput is called data

    • output obtained after processing data, based on user's instructions is called information.

    • raw facts and figures which can be peocessed using arithmetic and logical operations to obtain information are called data.

    •  processes that can be applied to data are of two types: CPU

    • ALU (Arithmeric logic unit)

    • CU (control unit)

      Memory :

    storage memory type


    1. 1ST Generation (vacuum tube-1946)

    2. 2nd Generation (Transistor -1959)

    3. 3th Generation (ICS -1965)

    4. 4th Generation (LSICS-1971)

    5. 5th Generation (ownwards-1985)

    PARTS OF COMPUTER:- Every computers comprisesn namely 7 basic computer parts.= 

      hard disk, solid-state drive, 

    a motherboard, a graphics processing unit,

     a central processing unit, 

    a rendom access memory, 

    and driver 


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